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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Common Myths Regarding Child Custody that Fathers Often Misunderstood

Relationship of Father and Child
Every divorce story has generally different set of circumstances to be treated fairly  in property, money and children. Divorce situations that involve children might end up emotionally heated up and there tends to be a bit of miscommunication that could grow into something big and difficult problem. The said miscommunication will tend to get proliferated because of the invention of the internet and social networking. In many cases, parents do not understand what the state courts want in determining the child's best interest. If you have problem regarding child support or child custody, you can contact an Orange County divorce attorney to help you go through with it. 

There are common myths involving child support and the issues which after all are not true. If you are father, who is fighting for child support or child custody, you better have to take a look the following common myths.

  • The mother will always get the child custody.  This has been one of the most common myths in the divorce process and the almost true situation in the most states of America. This myth was supported by another myth that mothers are more capable in providing the needs of young children compared to fathers. However, as the law evolves, and lots have been revised and amended, it is no longer true that mothers are always the better parent that they would automatically receive the custody of the child.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Divorce Rate in United States (Infographic)

This is an Infographic which illustrates the rates of divorce in the United States. It shows the percentage breakdown in different states as well as the the percentage of the first marriage turns to have divorce.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Non-custodial Fathers to Claim Fathers Rights: The Run-Downs

In United States, Fathers rights issues have experienced some downturns and trip overs, especially in the last twenty to thirty years. What happened? You asked. The American Bar Association admitted that more than 100 million of Americans cannot afford to hire a lawyer for anything in the 1990s. Some fathers must have let this issue go and voluntarily receive the arrears for child support despite their revolutionary protest in the issues of child custody. 

What kind of help do you think that these non-custodial fathers are likely to claim in the issues regarding child support arrears? You might be wondering that the author of this article claim a bias towards divorced moms. If so, why? Indeed, the author of this article intends to paint a picture of the “other-side” of the story that was used to be disregarded and under-estimated many years ago.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Determining the Possible Options in Divorce Process

When your parental right is being terminated, the best decision is to consult a Family Law Attorney regarding your concerns of child custody, child support, divorce or even your right as a father.

Consulting with a family attorney is a way to knowing your possible options. In some circumstances, the spouse needs to discuss his concerns with a legal representative before speaking anything to the wife or husband. The problem is not the idea of not being ready for the change, it is just that it is crucial to talk it over with the one that is directly involved of the situation to know the possible instances before taking any step further. Seeing a lawyer for consultation is the best thing to do in this demanding situation in life.